Saturday, December 16, 2006

Has Santa come already??

Round 1 of Christmas went off with a bang. Owen (mom and dad too) raked in the goodies. Owen loved ripping the paper off, playing in the boxes, and throwing the paper in the air and yelling WHEEEEE. We all had a great day and Grams and Gramps Davis had a good time too. At the rate we are going now Santa will have to return all his gifts.

Gobble Gobble

Owen had a great Thanksgiving(S). After our friends thanksgiving in Columbus we were off to West Virginia. He was not really into the whole turkey thing, but bring on the desserts.


Friday, November 17, 2006


Playing in the leaves turned out to ba ageless fun. Owen, the nwighbors, and mom all jumped in for some fun (Dad had to keep raking). Also, take a look at Owen's nogin' and you will see what I mean by all the bumps.


Owen's first trick or treating experience was a great one. It was yucky raining so we dressed up and drove to Auntie Nan's house and took all of her candy. Owen hit the jack pot he only had to go to one house and he managed to fill up his bucket and then some. He kept stealing candy out of the bowl and trying to hide it from us. Owen also got to have his first sucker. He loved it. He would stick it up to his tounge and lick it and the say "mmmmmm". He was a total sticky mess afterwards but it was worth it.

Catch Up

So, Owen is about to turn 16 (oh wait, it hasn't been THAT long since I posted). He is growing so fast though. He now has 11 (almost 12) teeth and is loving climbing. Last night I walked into the living room and he was standing on top of the end table. He already has so many bruises that I fear someone is going to think I beat him, so now that he is trying to climb everything I can't wait to see what happens.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

A few more for good measure

Long Time Coming

So I know many of you have been anticipating this, so here are a smattering of photos of what Owen has been up to the past couple of months. Life just keeps happening and I can't keep up. We are all well. Owen has another ear infection so that makes sleeping (or not sleeping) so much fun, but other than that we are great. I will promise to try harder in keeping you all up to date on "O".

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Yet another 1st

On our trip to Florida we stayed with SuSu and she gave Owen his first haircut. We saved some of his curls and he got a certificate for his big day. For some reason his hair looks fuller now. Oh and the bath picture is just because my kid is so stinking cute.

Another 1st

We managed to sneak in a last minute vacation to Florida this week so Owen had another big first; his first trip to the beach. He is so my son because he loved everything about the beach except the sand. He managed to get sand everywhere (including a handfull in the mouth). We had a great time and Owen was absolutely fearless. The first thing he did was DRAG me to the ocean. We got in up to his bellybutton and then he tried dragging me out farther. Good thing I am afraid of the ocean or else Owen would have dragged me all the way to Africa. Oh yeah, the pair of nostrils you see sticking out of the water and those of some Manatee. We saw a ton of them and even touched them (with my foot). My mom was a dare devil and jumped in and swam with them.


The social event of the year is offically over and man was it fun. Owen is now 1 year old (I am still not sure where the year went). Thanks to all who came out to celebrate with us and those who could not we missed you. Owen managed to get more gifts on his birthday than he has all year long. He will be able to play with one toy a day and not play with the same one for the next year. He had a great time and managed to eat more cake than any one else.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Zoo Part Two

We decided to buy a membership to the zoo so that we could enjoy it over and over again. We had a great time today. Aunt Nan (Natalie) came with us and we spent about 4 hours wondering around checking out all the cool stuff (including the rare white alligator). Owen had a big time he got to feed a giraffe, but I think he enjoyed the gorillas most of all or at least Greg did. He wants to go back and just spend the day with them. Our membership is really cool. Since Owen gets in free anyway we got a membership that allows me to go and take any other adult I want to for free. I will take advantage of this for sure.

Catchin' Up

So I missed a few events and wanted to be sure to post some pics of them. There are a few of my and Owen's trip to West Virginia and some of our outdoor family time at home.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006