Monday, April 24, 2006

The 'Boro

We went to Owensboro this weekend to visit the family. We had a great time (other than Owen's adventures in power puking). There are a couple of pictures of all the fun things Owen got to do, not includning getting to stay up until 10:00 both nights (Thanks Papa:) We went to the Dr. today and he said Owen has "Seasonal Something" they will not call it allergies. He gave us $80 worth of prescriptions so hopefully that will help.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

More Fun Pics

Earth Day/Easter

We had a great Easter weekend. On Saturday we went to "Earth Day" at the Falls of the Ohio and then to church on Sunday. After church we hung out around the house and played in the back yard. Owen tried to eat every leaf and blade of grass out there.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Never Say Can't

So, Just last night I was saying "Owen can't sit up on his own yet and he really should be able to" (meaning he can't get from lying down to sitting up). This has been one of the fun things I decide to freak out about (at least this week). Well, I guess he took that as a challenge because this morning he sat up on his own. It was too funny. He was lying there on his belly on the floor then he pushed himself up on his hands and feet (like a triangle) and then plopped over to a sitting position. I looked down and said "well, I guess you proved me wrong" and he just laughed. This new trick brings lots of fun challenges now because when he is sitting in his bed it takes him no time to stand up. So I guess we are going to get to deal with going in at night and laying him back down to go to sleep. We will make sure we NEVER say he can't climb out of his crib because I am sure that is his next plan. Greg has told him that he can NEVER get a job and help with the bills so I am taking him to apply for some things :)

Monday, April 10, 2006

New Toy

The neighbors across the street gave us a new slide for the backyard and since it was nice today we went outside to play. Owen really wasn't to sure what to think of it, but once he started sliding he didn't want to stop. The weather has been great (aside from a few storms) so we have been doing lots of yard projects. I guess the indoor projects will have to wait. Owen hasn't been sleeping to well the past few nights. I am not sure what is going on. He just rolls around like he can't get comfortable. I think he might be teething, he chews on the side of his paci like crazy. He has also figured out he can stand up in his bed. While he has to be sitting first (and he is not doing that on his own yet) he just looks at me and laughs like he is thinking "Just you wait Mom".

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Play Date

Owen had a play date today and boy was it fun. He had only napped for about 30 minutes this morning and was all over the place until 2:00. We had a lot of fun with all of his friends. He is becoming increasingly mobile; not really crawling but doing this scoot on his belly. I don't know if any of you remember the break dance move the worm, well that is what Owen is doing to get around. He also wants you to hold his hands so he can walk ALL the time. If you walk by he screams at you and holds out his hands. I think his walking on his own will be bitter sweet. On one hand we will not have to help him all the time, but on the other he will be all over the place and we won't be able to keep up. We are in the process of making Easter plans right now. We are either going to go to Earth Day at Falls of the Ohio or to an Easter Egg hunt at the park. I am sure we will have pics of whatever we decide to do.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Some Fun Pics

Here are some recent pics of Owen. He is just so photogenic:)

Kat - Dog

Today Owen and mom went to the mall for story time at Pottery Barn Kids (I swore I would never shop there, but free story time is OK). We left there, came home for some lunch, and then took our dog Kat for a walk. I was afraid it was going to be a debacle, but both dog and baby were great. Owen just watched Kats every move and tried to help hold the leash. Tonight we are meeting our mommy group at Puzzles Fun Dome for some dinner and play time. I swear working full time was never as hard as keeping up with Owens busy social schedule. Well, we are going to try keeping this site up to date so all of you can watch Owen grow. Let us know what you think.