Thursday, July 31, 2008


Who knew hands could be so cool

To sweet in her dress and bonnet.

Owen took this pic of sissy in her WV garb.

Owen and mommy cheesin' I really have this many freckles???

Owen pretending to be camera shy.

So sorry that we have been MIA for a month now. This summer is flying by and we are trying to take in every minute of it. Madi is SOOO close to crawling. She is up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth. Boy will my world be rocked when she takes off. She still only has 2 teeth, but judging from her mood I am guessing more are near. She is eating like champ too. We have tried all the fruits and veggies. She even gets some biter biscuits and some puffs (which a friend of ours calls flavored air). As for Owen....he is to smart for his own good. I am continually amazed at how much he knows and how much he talks (like really...he doesn't stop) he even talks in his sleep. He just got his hair cut into a mohawk (or homawk). He wouldn't let me do it, but we went to a kid friendly place and he watched Dora while the lady cut away. He is doing better in the potty department. We are getting there.

Snappy Kid

Owen's playgroup got to take a tour of Snappy Tomato Pizza. Here is Owen helping make the dough.

He even got a bit of dough to play with.

Madi got in on the Snappy fun too.

After making his own pizza (with cheese, 1 pepperoni and some ham) Owen really enjoyed his lunch.

Helping pour in the 'sugar' (aka flour).