Saturday, December 29, 2007


So, I hate that Rachel Ray says Yum-O but that is all I can say about the culinary master that is my husband. Today Greg made (yes from scratch) New England Clam Chowder and a loaf of French Bread. Now, I have to admit that I was a little tiny bit worried about how things were going to turn out but it was DELICIOUS. I mean seriously I am not just saying that. Here are a few pics of Chef Greg cooking up some goodness. Oh, a few pics of those little creatures that you all come here to see too.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


"Oh my goodness....Thanks Santa". This is a direct quote from Owen when he saw all the presents that Santa brought for him. This morning was GREAT. Owen had a blast opening all his gifts and although I thought I controlled myself he got a ton of stuff but it was worth it. Madeline managed to get a bit to much too. All in all it was a great Christmas. Hope you all enjoyed your day as well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Bath time and Christmas Cookies

Here are a couple of pics of Owen decorating Christmas cookies (ie. eating handfuls of icing). He is really excited about Santa coming tonight. I can't wait till morning. Oh, and the pic at the bottom is Owen and I giving Madeline a bath. Madeline is such a great baby. At night she is waking up every 3 to 4 hours to eat and then passing right back out. Today she has been awake a bit more a hour here and there. Owen is being a great helper too.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Here are a few pics to update everyone on how we are doing. Madeline had a bit of jaundice so she had to spend some time in what we called her baby tanning bed, but she is much better now. I too am feeling better. It has been a week and it has flown by. Owen has been the best big brother making sure that we take care of Madeline. I am SO proud of him.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Madeline Grace Davis

Amber and Madeline are still in the hospital, this is dad trying to not mess up the blog to much. I've never updated the blog before so if it's a little slap dash please just tell me how good it looks :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Today is THE day

Just wanted to let everyone know that today Baby Sister (since we still don't have a name picked) is making her grand entrance today. Greg and I will be heading over to my Dr at 1:30 for some paperwork then down to labor and delivery for monitoring and prep for my surgery at 4:00. It is really happening today, but I still can't believe it. I think that we can get a wireless connection at the hospital so hopefully we will have pics up really soon. I cannot wait to meet my little girl and for her to meet her big brother. Here is a little pic of Owen not too long after he was born; almost 2 1/2 years ago.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Careful what you wish for

So, my little girl is teaching me a lesson alreaady. Today at my Dr. appt. they tried AGAIN for the third time to get a reading of my blood platelets but it still didn't really work. This means that my blood isn't clotting right and there are problems that can occur with surgery. Now, I had this problem with Owen too and everything turned out just fine so I am not too worried. What it does mean is that in the next week there will be a little baby girl Davis. I am REALLY excited and REALLY freaked out at the same time. I am supposed to hear from my Dr. today about what the next steps are. It looks like I am going to have to get some steroid shots and once they get in my system they will do an amnio to be sure that her lungs are fully developed and then on to surgery. So, I think my next post will be pictures of baby girl and her big brother.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Bad Mama

So, I have been such a bad mom lately. I know that you all really want to see pics of Owen. But, to be honest I haven't even taken any since Halloween. I know, I know....I will get better some day. Since I don't have any new pics you will have to live with an update on the fam. Owen is doing great. It seems everyday there is something new that he says to does that just cracks me up. As for the baby, she is doing great. We still don't have a name picked out but hopefully we have a little more time to figure it out. So far my surgery is scheduled for December 26th, but I am still hoping that this gets moved up some. I have a Dr. appt today and will know a little bit more after that. I am at the stage where I am going to the Dr. once a week and I am sure that if they have to hear me complain even on 10th of what Greg does then they will certianly schedule it sooner :) I promise to take some new pics of my sweet boy and post them soon and hopefully there will be pics of a sweet baby girl soon too.