Thursday, July 06, 2006

Yet another 1st

On our trip to Florida we stayed with SuSu and she gave Owen his first haircut. We saved some of his curls and he got a certificate for his big day. For some reason his hair looks fuller now. Oh and the bath picture is just because my kid is so stinking cute.

Another 1st

We managed to sneak in a last minute vacation to Florida this week so Owen had another big first; his first trip to the beach. He is so my son because he loved everything about the beach except the sand. He managed to get sand everywhere (including a handfull in the mouth). We had a great time and Owen was absolutely fearless. The first thing he did was DRAG me to the ocean. We got in up to his bellybutton and then he tried dragging me out farther. Good thing I am afraid of the ocean or else Owen would have dragged me all the way to Africa. Oh yeah, the pair of nostrils you see sticking out of the water and those of some Manatee. We saw a ton of them and even touched them (with my foot). My mom was a dare devil and jumped in and swam with them.


The social event of the year is offically over and man was it fun. Owen is now 1 year old (I am still not sure where the year went). Thanks to all who came out to celebrate with us and those who could not we missed you. Owen managed to get more gifts on his birthday than he has all year long. He will be able to play with one toy a day and not play with the same one for the next year. He had a great time and managed to eat more cake than any one else.