Saturday, August 08, 2009

WARNING: To much info. ahead

So, I do not have any pictures to share (and my daughter will thank me for that later), but it was a big day (no make that HUGE day) in the Davis household. Madeline pooed on the potty!!!! For any of you who know the nightmare that I went through potty training Owen you will be as elated as I was when this happened. For about a week now Madi has been asking to use the potty and I set her on there about 2-3 times a day but she had never really done anything. Well, today she came up to me and said "Potty...poo" and I went and set her on the pot not really expecting anything but she did it!!!!!

It really takes so little to make me SOOOOOOOOOOO happy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Catching Up

Abstract playdoh art.

Making cookies (and almost getting a concusion after falling off this ladder)

Easter bunny is good to the Davis kiddos.

Gardening with Ma.

Madi had to get into the action as well. She never misses an opportunity to play in the dirt.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Kicked Out

Here are a few pics of why my son is destined to get kicked out of pre-school and other random things my babes do.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Popsicles and Picnic

The weather has been amazing here the last 2 days. Yesterday we spent about 4 hours at the zoo. Today we have been playing in the back yard and had a picnic lunch. Owen made popsicles for us. He used apple juice which is Madis fav so they were enjoyed by all. He is getting so big and has been so much fun. My fav. thing has been how much he is learning at Church. He has been praying at dinner lately and his prayer goes like so "OK, I am going to pray about Jesus. Jesus came to earth to save us from the bad guys who were trying to destroy the world....Amen". As for Madi....well she doesn't stop changing daily. Her new "tricks" are waving bye-bye, blowing kisses, giving high fives and if you tell her to sit down to put her shoes on she really does it. WOW are my kiddos amazing or what??

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So it has been a few weeks since Madi started walking but I thought I would post a quick video of her. Since I am blogger illiterate I am sure you will have to watch this sideways but you get the point just the same :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The many faces of Owen

Now that I have decided to get rid of the exersaucer it is her favorite toy.

She has been cruising for a while now, but no steps on her own yet

Owen's sad face

I am so Happy.

His surprised look. He makes you say "HUH" and make this face.


I caught my babes hanging outreading together and I couldn't resist catching it on film...or at least my memory card. I thought I would give a general update on how everyone is. After about 3 weeks of someone being sick we are all well (enough) now and that is a relief. Owen is 100% potty trained now and I am celebrating like you wouldn't believe. I am so proud of him and he knows it. Every time he goes to the bathroom he asks "Mommy, are you going to be so proud of me". There is always something new with this kid too. I am loving this stage in his life where he is so inquisitive and sweet (at least 30 times a day he says "mommy, I love you". I hope he remebers that when he is 13.
As for Madi, well she was the sickest of the bunch, but is much better now. I took her to the Dr. about a 100 times conviced it was an ear infection but it never was. She just decided at 13 months to go ahead and get all 4 of her 2 year molars. She now has 11 teeth. Not all are completely in but close enough. So needless to say she is ready for steak :) On the eating front it is such a joy to not have to buy formula or babyfood anymore. She loves eating just about everything we do and has yet to pick up her bubbas picky eating. She is also talking a bit. Still no MaMa but here is a list of her favorite words
Bye Bye
Kat (our dog)
Bap (bath)
woof woof

Thursday, January 22, 2009