Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Zoo Part Two

We decided to buy a membership to the zoo so that we could enjoy it over and over again. We had a great time today. Aunt Nan (Natalie) came with us and we spent about 4 hours wondering around checking out all the cool stuff (including the rare white alligator). Owen had a big time he got to feed a giraffe, but I think he enjoyed the gorillas most of all or at least Greg did. He wants to go back and just spend the day with them. Our membership is really cool. Since Owen gets in free anyway we got a membership that allows me to go and take any other adult I want to for free. I will take advantage of this for sure.

Catchin' Up

So I missed a few events and wanted to be sure to post some pics of them. There are a few of my and Owen's trip to West Virginia and some of our outdoor family time at home.