Sunday, October 28, 2007

Trunk or Treat

Owen and some friends went to chruch this weekend for Trunk or Treat. It was a great time. There were rows and rows of decorated cars, TONs of candy, a hot air balloon and hay rides. In the two year old circut it doesn't get much better than that. We all had a lot of fun and Owen was sooooo stinkin' cute in his dragon costume, but as you can see by the sad pic he did not like the hot air balloon.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pumpkin Too

After all the excitement of painting pumpkis we went to Hubers Family Farm. Owen got to ride a tractor and some concrete animals. Oh to be two again....


Here are a couple of pics of the new curtains for Baby Girl Davis' room. I would love to stake claim on having made them, but we all know that would be a HUGE lie. Thanks to GaGa for making the curtains. We are slowly but surely getting the nursery together. Ma and Papa are coming in next weekend to do some serious work on the basement so hopefully things will finish up soon.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Here are a few pics from this past weekend. Owen had a great time painting pumpkins (and himself) with Gaga.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sorry, no pictures of my cutie

Hello all, Just wanted to give a quick update on the Davis Family. Sorry I don't have any new pics, but I promise to have some soon. Owen and I traveled to Murray KY this past weekend for my college homecoming. We had a great time and Owen LOVED the parade. It was great to see some of the gals I went to college with and rehash some fun college memories. I can hardly believe that I ever did so much on so little sleep. Owen is doing great. He has a little cold right now, but otherwise his docs say he is doing great (and I would know because we have seen all three of the docs that he goes to). As for me and the babe all is well. At my last appointment I asked about scheduling my surgery (I have to have a C-section again). Well, it looks like we have a tentative birthday. If things work the way the Dr.s are saying then little Miss Davis will be here on December 26th. Thats right, the day after Christmas. We are going to have to work really hard to be sure that we celebrate her birthday proper. Well, more to come soon (with new pics of Owen).

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Just wanted to give a quick update on how the Davis Family was doing. Owen is growing like a weed. He looks more like a boy and less like a baby every day. The baby is doing well. My next Dr. appt. is on Oct. 10th and I am hoping they will schedule my surgery then. I am hoping for the first week in December, but what they say goes. Greg is working on finishing the basement, which we hope is done by the time the babe gets here. Well, here are a few pics from the past couple of weeks.... enjoy.