Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fun times

The best way to be sure that your kid gets really clean in the bath is to cover him in paint first :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Madi's turn

She even looks sweet when she had a double ear infection (her second one in her 4 short months). We were at the Dr. this morning for both kiddos and poor Madi is not feeling well. They gave her an antibiotic so hopefully she will be feeling better soon.

New Pics

King of the Mountain

Fixing the kitchen sink

"I don't want to get my allergy shots"

"That wasn't so bad"

How cute am I?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sunny Daze

Look at my shades!!

Get these things off me

Rolling down the hill

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Man to Man

Mom makes the best chocolate cake.

Madi... can anyone really be this stinking cute?

Owen having a 'man to man' chat with Seth.

Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia

Our little monkey.

Owen's new "friend". He spent a ton of time watching this cow saying he was sad because the cow didn't have any friends.

Woo Hoo grass

The outdoors is for the birds.

This is better... I shall nap

Monday, April 14, 2008

Day of the Dr.

Madi at 4 months

Owen at 4 months.

Greg had a busy day today. He took off work to take Owen to the ENT and have some fun hang out time. The ENT said Owen's ears looked great and his tubes are starting to come out (as they should). Owen and dad then headed to McDonalds to play and eat pancakes of course. After that they popped in at the pediatrician for Owen's bi-weekly allergy shot. All this followed by a brief tip to Lowes and home for a much needed nap. Then, it was Madi's turn. Greg took her to the pediatrician for her 4 month check up. Doc says she is perfect (as if I didn't know). She is 24 5/8 inches (65%) and 13 lbs 6 ozs. (50%). They gave us the go ahead for rice cereal, even though I have already given her some a few time (bad mommy). She then got her immunizations and came home for a long nap. Madi is in bed now and I think Owen is putting up quite a fight for bedtime tonight (we are now almost 3 weeks into no momo). All this to say the our kiddos are perfect :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Owen and Madi in thier "Buzz Soups". Owen has been obsessed with Toy Story lately and has determined that he is the real Buzz Lightyear. He calls the PJ's that he and Madi are wearing thier "Buzz Soups" (toddler translation: Buzz Suits).

She has the sweetest smiles.

My little broken arm waiting to happen. He first tried to climb up here using the truck parked to the side of the house. When that didn't work he used the door to give himself a boost. He is seriously part monkey.

Owen and his ladies after a hard afternoon of making chocolate cookies.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Fairy god"momo"mother

Gearing up for the big ride.

Pedaling is too hard...Dad should just push me.

Lord have mercy Madi has her blue jeans on.

So, Owen is finally giving up the momo (aka paci). I know at 2 1/2 he should have done this already, but it was as much a crutch for him as it was for us. He decided that the Fairy godmother could come and take his momo's in exchange for a gift. I guess said fairy was feeling generous because she bought him a bike and race car. What a great fairy god"momo"mother.