Friday, April 14, 2006

Never Say Can't

So, Just last night I was saying "Owen can't sit up on his own yet and he really should be able to" (meaning he can't get from lying down to sitting up). This has been one of the fun things I decide to freak out about (at least this week). Well, I guess he took that as a challenge because this morning he sat up on his own. It was too funny. He was lying there on his belly on the floor then he pushed himself up on his hands and feet (like a triangle) and then plopped over to a sitting position. I looked down and said "well, I guess you proved me wrong" and he just laughed. This new trick brings lots of fun challenges now because when he is sitting in his bed it takes him no time to stand up. So I guess we are going to get to deal with going in at night and laying him back down to go to sleep. We will make sure we NEVER say he can't climb out of his crib because I am sure that is his next plan. Greg has told him that he can NEVER get a job and help with the bills so I am taking him to apply for some things :)

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