Hello all, Just wanted to give a quick update on the Davis Family. Sorry I don't have any new pics, but I promise to have some soon. Owen and I traveled to Murray KY this past weekend for my college homecoming. We had a great time and Owen LOVED the parade. It was great to see some of the gals I went to college with and rehash some fun college memories. I can hardly believe that I ever did so much on so little sleep. Owen is doing great. He has a little cold right now, but otherwise his docs say he is doing great (and I would know because we have seen all three of the docs that he goes to). As for me and the babe all is well. At my last appointment I asked about scheduling my surgery (I have to have a C-section again). Well, it looks like we have a tentative birthday. If things work the way the Dr.s are saying then little Miss Davis will be here on December 26th. Thats right, the day after Christmas. We are going to have to work really hard to be sure that we celebrate her birthday proper. Well, more to come soon (with new pics of Owen).