Tuesday, January 15, 2008

1 month check up and general update

Madeline had her one month check up today and Dr. says she is doing well. He have been having some rough nights with a screaming crying fit for about 3 to 4 hours and I was just convinced it was colic. We have tried switching to lactose free formula since Greg and Owen both have a milk issue. However, nothing has seemed to work. After a good once over Dr. determined that she has a slight ear infection in her right ear and gave us an antibiotic. Hopefully this was causing the crying fits and life will be back to normal soon. Since it is 9:00 which is prime screaming time and she is sound asleep in her bed that we have found the culprit and she will be well soon.
I am nervous about this ear infection thing since we had so many problems with Owen. He had an ear infection once a month for about 10 months before he had his first set of tubes. Then we had issues with one of the tubes so he had another set put in and his adnoids taken out all before he was 2. We then had allergy testing which showed us that he is allergic to EVERYTHING and he gets allergy shots twice a week. He has been a totally different kid since we started the shots.
I am also on the search for a good preschool. I have just not been really happy with where he is at right now. They have amazing infant and toddler care, but I think he could use something a little more structured right now. Everywhere I call has a 1 to 2 year waiting list so I am not feeling to good about my search. I am sure that I will find the perfect place soon. If not I am going to open my own preschool.
Just a general update on mom and dad since we never talk about ourselves. Greg has been off work for 5 weeks for paternity leave and he goes back to work next Wednesday. He has enjoyed getting to spend this time with the kids but I think he is looking forward to going back to work. As for me, I started my 2nd semester on my PhD yesterday and I think I am in over my head. I have a tough semester ahead of me and a comprehensive Core exam in May to study for.
Well, I am sure that this is more than you wanted to know about the Davis family and then some so goodnight all......


Michelle said...

I'm sorry to hear about Madeline's ear infection, but I hope that solves the problem! I've heard others say that allergy shots/medication changed everything in a positive way - I would think it's better to discover it early than fight it for years.

I admire you for going after your PhD! It's tough to take classes with kiddos.

M said...

Hope Madeline feels better soon! Good luck to you in your classes!